43. A New Notebook

I Bought A New Notebook So Here Is A Poem About It



I have cracked open a new notebook

The last one is bloated and dead to me

I cast it down without a look

Those tales of varying triviality

They live in the past and I am free.

Writing life is no waste in my eyes

Whether the words drag or fly

They all mean the same to my future self

Realising when depths were actually heights

As I ponder all I truly felt.


History plays out across pages

Spatters of a past now lost to me

Flickering thoughts firmly dated

Preceding a future unforeseen

The accounted lives and deaths of dreams.


Records of every circumstance

Meaningless then but not so now

Spilling, rippling, blue ink tracks

I carry every word on my back

Even when I tear the page out.


My journals pile high on the shelf 

In sickness and in health

I will keep writing my history

Of days both full and empty 

Of nights both heaven and hell.

44. Three Trains and Some Cake

42. A Musical Interlude